Gifted and Talented Education Program
March Middle School offers a Gifted and Talented Education program for students who have been recognized as high achievers by their teachers and through district testing. Both GATE and non-GATE high achievers are placed in college prep classes. On designated days, all GATE students participate in a full-day workshop featuring activities in science, robotics, cell structure, chemical reaction, and lab work. GATE students are invited to participate in after-school activities/special events sponsored throughout the year.
Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID)
March Middle School offers the Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) program as an elective to qualifying students. The program targets students with a grade point average ranging from 2.5 to 3.5, and who may be the first of their family members to attend college. AVID equips students with the skills required to be successful in post-secondary education. Communication skills, writing in particular, are strongly emphasized. Organizational, study, and note-taking skills are key elements of the college preparation process.
Special education students are mainstreamed into the general education classroom based upon their IEP (Individual Education Plan) and provided instruction in the least restrictive environment. March Middle School’s special education program is staffed by two special education teachers and two special education aides who provide both full period and full day instruction in two special day classes. Two resource specialist teachers and three resource specialist aides provide individual and small group support inside the general education environment under the direction of classroom teachers (collaborative model and co-teaching model). Life skills classes are supported by four certificated teachers and nine instructional aides specially trained to effectively deliver the life skills curriculum.
Each student is provided instruction based upon their IEP, which is reviewed and updated annually by the school’s IEP teams. The IEP ensures that students with disabilities have equal access to core curriculum and educational opportunities and is used to coordinate specially-designed instruction based upon individual academic, social, and behavioral needs.
Students can sign up to be in ASB as an elective course. Students assist others in school activities such as the recycling program, school dances, etc. Please see the ASB advisor for more information about how to join ASB!!!
English Language Learners
All of March Middle School’s teachers are certified and trained to provide instruction for students identified as English Learners (EL). Beginning level EL students receive one or more full periods of English Language Development (ELD) instruction either as a component of or a supplement to their regular language arts curriculum. Using National Geographic School Publishing's Inside curriculum, ELD instruction focuses on reading development, verbal language development, and vocabulary building. One bilingual aide collaborates with class teachers to provide in-class small group and individual support based upon student needs.
As students increase fluency in the English language, March Middle School continues to monitor student performance through CELDT results, benchmark assessments, and classroom observation to adjust instruction as needed to ensure continued success in acquiring the English language and proficiency in reading/language arts.
Think Together
"THINK Together partners with local school districts, providing a customized, structured, academically-oriented model that helps close the achievement gap. Students benefit from homework help, academically-oriented activities, group tutoring, as well as structured physical fitness, leadership and team-building activities."
THINK Together meets daily on the March Middle School Campus. For more information, please contact the school receptionist at (951) 490-0430.