About Us
Academic Classes
March Middle School offers a diverseseries of programs and possibilities to meet the unique needs of its students.In sixth grade, students are placed in both English and reading classes toincrease reading proficiency skills. Sixth grade math classes are structured tochallenge students at their individual skill level. High achievers (accordingto assessment and/or prior grades) may be placed in college prep classes whichrequire additional critical thinking skill sets.
March Middle School offers a wide rangeof classes customized to meet the needs of its English learners. In each grade,teachers use Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)strategies with EL students who are performing at or below grade levelproficiency standards in their coursework. SDAIE strategies have been proven tobe highly successful in helping children succeed in both reading and acquiringlanguage skills. Students who are learning English as their second language mayhave up to three periods of English language development instruction.
Discipline and Climate for Learning
Based upon input from staff, parents, and students, March MiddleSchool has adopted a schoolwide discipline plan in alignment with thedistrict’s discipline matrix. School staff support an environment that teachesstudents, through the daily curriculum, the skills to resolve conflicts andtake responsibility for their decisions. The schoolwide discipline plan focuseson a positive approach to managing disruptive behavior. Students are given theopportunity to learn from their mistakes and take an active role in correctingpoor behavior.
School and classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At thebeginning of the school year, school rules, district policies, and academicexpectations are 1) outlined in each students’ Academic Organizer and 2)reinforced at grade level assemblies. Teachers and the principal takeappropriate opportunities to remind students of their responsibilities toconduct themselves in a safe, responsible, and courteous manner. The AcademicOrganizer may be used as a vehicle for written communication between parentsand teachers as well as to record class assignment information, homeworkassignments, and project due dates.